Transparencia Electoral Editions

logos transparencia electoral - iniciativas (6)

Transparencia Electoral Editions is our own publishing house, an initiative to facilitate the publication of studies and research carried out by the organization’s team and other works in conjunction with partner organizations. The label has published 8 books to date, only available in Spanish for the moment, and you can find them here to download for free.

Así se vota en Venezuela


This work makes a brief but necessary tour of the main political events from the mid-twentieth century until the election of Hugo Chávez in 1998. Then, starting in 1999, it studies all the electoral processes, beginning with the call to the National Constituent Assembly of that year, in which hegemonic traits are already glimpsed in the gadgets designed to overrepresent the ruling party, and it goes as far as the fraudulent 2018 presidential election whose results have not been recognized by a large part of the international community.

Así se vota en Cuba


Internationally, some actors try to push a narrative that establishes Cuba to be a democracy, just because it holds elections. This work offers a forensic analysis of the electoral system of Cuba in the context of the historic 2017-2018 electoral process during which the Castros left the presidency of the Council of State after more than five decades. With experiences from activists in the island, it recounts how the elections are merely a mechanism by the dictatorship to distribute power among its internal allies, at the time they try to project a democratic nature.


Elecciones en Latinoamérica (1985-2015): 30 años de transformación democrática


This compilation of articles on the most important elections in Latin America has several objectives. However, there is one that stands out among them: we are motivated by the interest in deepening the ties between the countries of the region.


Our democracies have not yet been consolidated. Not all electoral processes reflect the ideal principles of elections with integrity. The works that we present in this book account for the similarities and differences between these experiences.



To carry out this task, each of the writers analyzed an election for each of the Latin American countries.


COVID-19, Estado de derecho y procesos electorales en Latinoamérica



The Konrad Adenauer Stiftung’s Rule of Law Program for Latin America and Transparencia Electoral joined forces to address the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the rule of law in the region.


Prestigious specialists were summoned to provide a comprehensive and exhaustive account of the situation in each of their countries. In addition, some topics, such as the effects on political rights, the rights of women, minorities or the implementation of technology, were dealt with transversally in different chapters.

36 años de Elecciones Presidenciales en Argentina


The purpose behind this work is to make available to the reader the largest amount of data available on the elections that lead the winner to occupy nothing more and nothing less than the position of President of the Argentine Republic. But more than a compilation, this work is an effort in which these electoral data are crossed to study what they tell us about the Argentine political system and the challenges facing the democracy recovered in 1983.


El Modelo Iliberal Cubano y Su influencia en América Latina


Throughout the year 2019, the #DDA Magazine, “Challenges of Democracy in Latin America”, one of the products of our democratic promotion initiative “DemoAmlat”, published contributions from prestigious analysts in the region, and this work compiles a selection of the best articles and interviews referring to Cuba, with a prologue by the Secretary General of the Organization of American States (OAS), Luis Almagro.

El Modelo Iliberal Cubano y Su influencia en América Latina: Volumen II


DemoAmlat presents “The Cuban illiberal model and its influence in Latin America” (Volume II) which compiles works published in the magazine “Challenges of Democracy in Latin America” (#DDA) during the year 2020 from authors, academics, researchers, Cuban intellectuals and others. The countries of the region address the incidence that, in cultural and ideological terms, but also economic and political, the autocratic regime of the island has displayed with objectives of regional scope. The elite that for 62 years has managed to maintain social control indoors has also managed to cultivate disciples in neighboring countries that replicate the parameters of the model and constitute a threat to democracies.

América Latina: Entre Avances y Retrocesos Democráticos


This book condenses the analysis of specialists and academics on Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Cuba, Guatemala, Mexico, Peru, Venezuela and Nicaragua. Recognized collaborators from all over the region have contributed their perspective on the advance of populism and illiberal tendencies in different governments, setbacks and advances in terms of democratic quality, parity and participation, as well as on the methodological tools to analyze the scenarios and electoral processes in the extraordinary context of the impact caused by the coronavirus.

Autocracia, Democratización y Cambios Sociopolíticos: Apuntes para el Debate


In this book we go back to Cuba, authoritarianism and the transition to democracy. Without epic and without romanticism, it seeks to reinstate and insist in this discussion the authoritarianism vs. democracy, hypocrisy aside: there are no good dictators and bad dictators.

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